There’s more to education than reading, writing, and math. Children need to learn how to control their growing bodies, deal with complex emotions, and navigate social situations.
Academic schools are great for educating the mind, but what about the rest of the child? Recent budget constraints have cut funding for physical education, music and art education, and many other “nonacademic” disciplines.
Let’s look at some of these “nonacademic” areas:
Physical Fitness
Children need healthy exercise, but they also need to learn good eating habits to stay healthy, as well as gross and fine motor skills to develop their coordination and body awareness. Unfortunately, many schools don’t address these needs.
Mental Discipline
It seems more and more children these days exhibit symptoms of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), and with our short-attention-span society, they need a structured way to learn to focus or concentrate. Many recent laws have stripped the ability of public schools to enforce discipline.
Emotional Self-Control
In many ways, the difference between a child and an adult is emotional control. Temper tantrums seem to come naturally to children, who have to learn over time that they cannot always get their own way and must control their emotions in order to be considerate of others. Emotional education is not part of your average school curriculum.
Social Confidence
Learning to deal with other people is a skill set that can be learned. Unfortunately, character education — the very foundation of treating people well – is not a proper academic subject.
So, where can concerned parents turn?
The martial arts have centuries of experience teaching physical, mental, and emotional discipline. Students learn amazing physical skills. They practice mental discipline every day, learning emotional self-control. Most importantly of all, they are taught right from wrong to develop outstanding character and personal leadership.
Hundreds of parents in our community have seen their children get a balanced education in our children’s martial arts programs.
Why not take advantage of our special offer by clicking the link below? There’s no obligation, and your child will thank you for it.
Martial arts is training for life!
White Tiger Martial Arts Lewisville
3964 State Hwy 121, Suite 500 Lewisville, TX
P.S. See the benefits for yourself! Check out our WEB SPECIALS here!